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Case Study: Leisure Fitness
Commercial Team Meeting 2007

Leisure Fitness wanted to have a meeting for their commercial sales team that had "Impact". And left an impression on their staff so that their staff can start leaving "Impact" on their sales efforts, customer service and daily performance in general.

Burning Brain played a role in developing the overall concept so that PowerPoint presentations, motivational music, team challenges, collateral, signage and event takeaways all tied to the theme in an integrated fashion.

Burning Brain started by looking at music and how it impacts different cultures and, in parallel, music that by its very nature is "impactful". This brainstorming research journey led us to a decision that a visually compelling, muscially stunning and perfect match for the efforts was the Japanese art of Taiko drumming. It requires precision, teamwork, flair and is loaded with custom and tradition.

Leisure Fitness, after 12 years in the market, is loaded with a corporate tradition of excellence, team building and a challenging corporate culture. We couldn't resist this link.

Burning Brain continued developing the concept by putting together a soundtrack, finding fonts, locating video clips and consulting on the music CD giveaway. The net result was quite "impactful".

Here are some materials that were developed for the meeting:

Desktop Motivators:

Management Service Award Framed Caricatures:

Caricatures by Dave at Dave's Party Art

PowerPoint template:

:: Illustration
:: Design | web/print
:: Creative Ideas
:: Project Rescue

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Stationary Ensemble
Burning Brain
Virtual Marketing Secrets:
Graphic World
Collateral System: