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Case Study: Leisure Fitness Retail Awards Dinner 2006
A Night at the Oscars

Burning Brain Creative Studios was engaged to take the annual Retail Awards Dinner show to the next level for the second year in a row.

We were challenged with creating an environment that would "transport" the sales team to Hollywood, give them a feeling of stardom and hype the organization to motivate the team to outperform themselves again in the upcoming year.

We accomplished this by creating a "theater" of promotional collateral that was integrated both with the theme and the company's identity system.

We also used Hollywood's model for promotional success by appropriating techniques they use to market and sell their goods: playbills, posters, teasers, trailers and glam.

Here are some deliverables from the 2005 Night at the Oscars Event.

Playbill Design:
We created a playbill that became a directory for Leisure Fitness executives, directors, sales and support teams. It was a keepsake that would forever capture this year's accomplishments in print.

Click and drag pages from corner to turn, either direction.

Poster Design:

Posters became the primary visual to create a new environment that "transported" the sales team into another realm so that they could enjoy the night for what it was: Hollywood Hype. The posters, done to "One-Sheet" specifications surrounded the room and celebrated each store as its own "Award-Winning Movie".

Flash Design:
Multimedia Awards Dinner Kick-Off, click to view. Files are large so be patient.


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:: Design | web/print
:: Creative Ideas
:: Project Rescue

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Graphic World
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